Blue Duck Lawn Care Summer Update

As we approach the end of July, we also mark the halfway point for lawn care here in the Central Indiana area.  Round 3 will be closing this week, and round 4 applications will be going down soon. Lets take a look at what is ahead, and recap some of what we have seen so far.

Early Summer Recap

Up until now, things have been pretty easy going. In fact, with over 7 inches of rain in June and 7 inches of rain in July, lawns have had a relatively easy summer. Most lawns are still a vibrant green with little or no heat stress, depending on soil quality. And even those with dense clay soils have stayed green without too much watering from the sprinklers.

Despite our best efforts, crabgrass has slipped through the protective barriers we applied in rounds 1 and 2. In almost every case of this, it is on the edges of the lawn where turf rooting is weakest. Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done to remedy this. Once crabgrass develops beyond a certain stage of maturity, it becomes resistant to most lawn safe herbicides.

The best option then becomes the prevention of seed heads. This is easily achieved with proper mowing. Violets and ground ivy have stopped responding to herbicides as well, in many cases. This will change in the fall, when temps are cool and we switch herbicides.

Looking Ahead

As we transition into August, things are going to change. Irrigation will become essential to maintaining the health of the turf. Hot temperatures and long stretches of dry weather are going to begin to take a toll on the lawn. Without proper watering, roots will recede and lawns will thin out and become dormant. Weeds will take advantage of the lessened competition and will become prevalent. As soil dries and cracks, the crabgrass preventative barrier becomes damaged, and crabgrass can pop up not just on the edges, but all throughout the lawn. And without proper water availability, our weed control and fertilization can even stop being effective on the lawn.

As temperatures soar above 85 degrees, the lawn slows its rate of growth and repair. It also becomes more sensitive to things like traffic, dog urine and fungal infections. While proper watering and fertilization will help to limit the effects, when damage does occur, it can take longer to heal.

Here are a few tips to help mitigate these effects:

– Mowing in the morning, before the lawn has baked under the sun all day can prevent mowing stress and traffic damage. And following a mow with irrigation will go even further to prevent damage.
– Limiting traffic on the lawn on hot, dry days will also lessen stress and reduce the potential for damage.
– Making sure that toys and garden hoses are put away and not left on the lawn will help as well. These items can heat up under the sun and literally burn the lawn, leaving damaged spots of brown turf behind.


We Appreciate Your Business with Blue Duck

As we move ahead into the later half of summer, we here at Blue Duck’s are thankful to be your choice of lawncare providers. This first year has been full of growth and learning for us, and we appreciate all of the feedback that we have received from our customers. We will continue to make adjustments and improvements as we continue through this season and into the next, to better serve our clients. You can always feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have. Just give us a call at (317) 748-3153 or send us an email. And thank you for giving us the opportunity to grow with you!

Casey Henderson

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