Category: Weed Control
How Do I Get The Best Results From My Lawn Care Program?
How Do You Achieve The Best Results?Lawncare is a results driven industry. Poor results will lead to bad reviews. Customers and Businesses alike are always asking the same question: How Do I Get The Best Results From My Lawn Care Program? At Blue Duck Lawn Care, we employ expert Lawn Specialist. We give them top […]
Tele-Turf: The Future of Customer Service In Lawn Care
Tele-Turf ServiceCustomer Service is an ever changing objective for any business. The goal being to provide the best value and experience for your customer. Technology often plays a part in these changes. As new tech develops, companies adapt their techniques to follow. Here at Blue, things are changing. We are now offering our Happy Lawn […]
“Fertilization Near Me” What is it and how does it work?
“Fertilization Near Me”“Fertilization Near Me” This search term is going to become very popular over the coming weeks. Likewise, many companies will be ramping up their advertising campaigns. Here at Blue Duck Lawn Care, we want to make sure, that as you are being bombarded by the influx of advertisement, that you stay informed.The biggest […]
Snow Mold. Coming To A Lawn Near You?
What Is Snow MoldSnow mold is a type of fungus and a turf disease that damages or kills grass after snow melts. Typically in late winter. Snow mold comes in two varieties: pink or gray.Gray snow mold (Typhula spp. or Typhula blight) is the less damaging form of snow mold. While its damage may appear widespread, it typically […]
Frost Damage On Cool Season Lawns
A Frosty Lawn Can Be Beautiful!You wake up Saturday morning. As you wander into the kitchen to make that first cup of coffee, you glance out the window. Outside, the world is a glare of frosty brilliance. Beautiful! The trees look as though they are shimmering! The lawn looks as though it has been sugar […]
Turf Nutrition: How Our Program Addresses It.
How Turf Nutrition Works.The majority of turf nutrition is found in nine elements. Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Sulfur. When these nutrients are readily available in the right forms and concentrations, the result is a thick healthy lawn. The side effect is a reduced need for chemical weed control and disease […]