Category: Business
The Ultimate 4th of July Burger: A Local Collaboration
The 4th of July is the perfect time to gather with friends and family, fire up the grill, and enjoy some of the best local flavors Indianapolis has to offer. This year, Blue Duck Lawn Care is excited to bring you an exclusive collaboration with Kincaid’s Meat Market and My Chefski to create the ultimate […]
Switching lawn care providers? Must Read Article
Are you looking at switching lawn care providers? If so, ask these 5 questions.1) When switching lawn care providers, what do you really value in a new service?At Blue Duck Lawn Care, we see this all of the time, I even do it myself sometimes… when switching lawn care providers we request quotes from multiple […]
Blue Duck Lawn Care 2019…A season for gratitude!
As I sit here writing this blog entry and reflect on the 2019 season… there is only one word that comes to my mind. That word is GRATITUDE. Blue Duck Lawn Care is very thankful for all the clients we have had the pleasure to serve over the past 12 months. We look forward to […]
6 Tips for Hiring a Lawn Care Service
Here are some helpful tips to consider when searching for a lawn care provider this spring.Insurance: You should request to see this from any potential lawn company. Many smaller operations say they carry insurance, but unfortunately that is not true a lot of the time. Request a copy of their insurance before allowing them to […]
New Partnership with Midwest Regional Turf Foundation!
As we look outside today, the ground is covered in snow and the air is frigid. What makes me happy as I write this blog, is seeing the grass popping through the blanket of snow! Spring is around the corner! Although, Punxsutawney Phil decided to delay us a bit… Typically, lawncare companies are only seen […]
2017 Recap: GreensLCPS Highlights
As many of you reading this know, 2017 was Green’s Lawncare’s first year in business and here is our 2017 Recap. Our owner/operator has over 17 years of professional experience in the industry, but 2017 marked the year he went out on his own and it has proven to be a good move and very […]